PST Engineering
Is a professional Civil and Structural engineering consulting firm specializing in design of small-to-mid-sized residential & commercial buildings, multi-family dwellings and structural elements design. Our professional design team can analyze and critique existing buildings or designs and produce detailed blueprints for a variety of architectural & construction projects. We can also provide artistic conceptualized isometric hand drawings of future finished structures with remarkable detail and accuracy.
You may also like to know that we are on the Kansas City list of approved third-party inspectors. We have both a Certified Professional Building Designer or Professional Engineer licensed and ready to take on any projects built under the conventional construction provisions of the International Residential Code (IRC).

We can come out to the construction location or job site and review detailed blueprints, redline drawings or hand drawings on site, as well as stamp them on site.
Please contact us today to let us know your needs, so we can help earn your trust and get your project schedule on the right foundation.