My Window is Leaking

Dear Robin:

We moved into a newer home last year. There seems to be moisture accumulating around the window trim on several of my windows. What would cause my windows to leak? sincerely, My Windows are Leaking

Dear My Windows are Leaking:

The simple answer is that far too many new homes are constructed without the proper waterproofing materials and using improper installation procedures. When the windows, doors, trim, and or flashings are not installed per manufactured instructions, water intrusion can occur. For example, when the windows, trim, flashing, building paper, etc. are not installed correctly, it often results in water seeping through tiny gaps and behind the window trim and into the walls. Eventually over time, water can collect in the wall cavity behind where the sheet rock is that mold growth becomes significant and/or the wood structural framing for the home is rotted and damaged. This moisure can also draw insects. Mold spores can be very dangerous to your health, all of this can result in crazy expensive repairs. If you suspect water intrusion, contact a forensic engineer to help define the cause and origin of that intrusion. The Engineer should investigate, help you identify the extent of the infiltration or damages and make recommendations on how to repair your home.

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