Humpy Floor

Dear Robin:

We bought a new house from a builder 6 months ago. We continue to find things built to lower quality than we expected but are most concerned about the cracks in the sheetrock and the hump in the living room floor in the middle of our house. I know the builder had inspections and had to follow local codes. Why would we have a hump in our floor? Sincerely, Humpy floor homeowner

Dear Humpy Floor:

Has the hump been in the floor since you moved in? It is possible the floor joists under the floor has an issue. Did the hump just appear recently? It is possible your home may have some foundation movement. Your builder will likely repair or address the issue if the casue and origin of the hump is identified properlly and a recipe for repair is written. You can try working with your buidler and if his engineer has forensic experience then his engineer can define how to repair the problem. If you need an unbiased examination and recommendations, find a local experoenced engineer with forensic – geotech – structual expericne to examine your home.

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