Top-Notch Engineering, Design, and Inspection Services
Engineering Design
PST Engineering is a professional Civil and Structural engineering consulting firm specializing in design of small-to-mid-sized residential/commercial buildings, and multifamily dwellings and structural elements design. We can analyze and critique existing buildings or designs and produce detailed blue prints. We can also provide artistic conceptualized isometric hand drawings of future finished structures with remarkable detail and accuracy.
You may also like to know that we are on the Kansas City list of approved third-party inspectors. We can come out to the job site and review drawings on site, redline drawings on site and stamp them on site. Let us know of your needs.
Our professional engineering services include the following:
- Planning & Design
- New Home Designs
- Structural Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Architectural Blueprints
- Isometric Hand Drawings
- Room Additions
- Property Modifications
Our professional engineering services are useful to a variety of commercial and residential needs. These include:
- Architects
- Contractors
- Developers
- Realtors
- Investors
- Property Owners
- Property Buyers
PST is your Property Services Team of Experts!
Inspection Services
Residential and Commercial Inspection Services
Structural or Foundation Inspections
Examination by a licensed engineer to address concerns or appraisal and underwriting requirements.
- Structural Inspections – Engineer can evaluate and design structural changes or possible problems with properties. Codes require an Engineer’s approval of changes in structural integrity like wall or beam removals.
- Foundation Inspections – Engineer can examine foundation cracks, wall movement and floor slabs to determine if on-going movement or deterioration has caused the need for structural repair. Foundation repair company SALESPEOPLE will make recommendations that are often not necessary or are exaggerated. Our unbiased Structural Engineer will evaluate, calculate and recommend only necessary and prudent repairs.

- Grade and Drainage Inspections – Improper grade and drainage can be damaging to the structural integrity of a property.
- Roof Inspections – Engineers are the roofing industry experts in condition assessment and/or cause and origin of damage. Insurance companies recognize the unbiased third party Engineer expert opinion.
Building Construction Inspections
Experienced inspectors and engineers qualified to perform construction site inspections including but not limited to:
- Site Surveys
- Soil Compression Capability
- Footings
- Rebar Placement
- Foundation
- Framing
- Siding
- Roofing
- Electrical
- Mechanical
- Plumbing
- Final Construction Punch List
- Third Party Inspections
- City Codes

Whole House & Whole Building Inspections
Experienced inspectors identifying deficiencies in the Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical and HVAC, Roof etc. areas of a home for sellers or buyers. An engineer on-site is optional and is available for foundation inspection and structural engineering concerns.
Whole House Inspection will identify significant deficiencies, foreseeable costly problems and potential failures. The whole house property inspection will provide all parties with a professional factual verbal and written report on the condition of the property. More importantly, by getting an unbiased, full disclosure of the inspected property, all negotiating issues are brought forward to both the buyer and seller.

Beware – in the state of Missouri home inspectors have no licenses or registration requirements. Any “uncle Bob” can be an inspector or own an inspection company. We recommend that you hire an educated, experienced, insured, licensed Engineer to perform a whole house inspection and most importantly, perform a structural evaluation¹.
Whole House Inspection includes:
- Mechanical Systems
- Electrical – outlets, electrical panel, switches
- Plumbing – faucets, tubs, showers, hot water heaters
- HVAC – heating, ventilation, air conditioning, fireplaces, ductwork
- Roofing – flashings, chimneys, valleys, gutters structural¹ concerns
- Attic – insulation, fire damage, water damage, structural concerns – framing, bracing
- Interior Components – floors, walls, ceilings, windows, doors, *structural concerns
- Exterior Components- grade and drainage, siding, trim, windows, doors, grading, decks, porches, patios, driveways, retaining walls *structural concerns
Structural Evaluation includes: Foundation, Framing, Attic, Interior and Exterior components. Some Indications of structural concerns are cracks in sheetrock, doors not shutting properly, uneven floors, cracks in grout lines of tile floors or walls, windows not opening, cracks in foundation walls, cracks in basement slab, and uneven ceilings. (*a licensed structural engineer is the expert qualified to evaluate structural systems)
Radon Testing: determines the level of radon gases in the home. Radon is radioactive gas that comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in the soil, rock and water. It is odorless. It gets into the air we breathe. It comes into our homes through cracks and seams in the foundation and slabs and is trapped inside. How high is the level of radon in your present home or the property you are buying? EVERY home and property should be tested. Radon is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer. For more information on Radon visit: on Indoor Air Quality
Mold Testing: inspects for visible signs of mold, identifies by laboratory the type of mold and determines whether it is a health hazard. If you suspect mold or there has been water damage, we can evaluate and even run Air Samples to determine if there are air quality concerns. For more information on Mold visit: CDC on Mold
Leak Investigations
An evaluation, either preliminary or exhaustive, revealing the points of entry of water into the building. Often we perform these investigations on EIFS and Stucco covered homes, but we find significant defects in hardboard sided homes as well and often window and roofing areas.

Radon Testing
Physical samples taken and an independent laboratory identifies levels of radon gas.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that radon causes thousands of cancer deaths in the U.S. each year.¹
Air & Mold Quality
Visual examination, physical sampling of air or surfaces and an independent laboratory identifies type of contamination.

Phase I and Pre Phase I ESA
Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) for existing commercial properties. Phase I and Pre Phase I ESA’s can be performed with a quicker turn around time because we are a small engineering firm.

Property Condition Assessments
3rd Party assessment of property conditions for foreclosures, repossessions, or property damage. Property Condition Assessment Services can include repair estimates or cost to cure.

Third Party and SPECIAL INSPECTIONS for New Construction or Repair Projects
PST engineering staff is on the Kansas City list of approved 3rd party Inspectors for Special Inspections and City Code requirements for Commercial and Residential construction and repair projects.
Here is a list of Kansas City’s Special Inspections: (Call PST to discuss your specific needs 816-468-1280)
- EXCAVATION AND FILL Excavation. All excavation with slopes exceeding those permitted in IBC Section 3304.1.1. Fill. All fill with slopes exceeding those permitted in IBC Section 3304.1.1 and Section J107.6. All fill greater than 1 foot in depth within the footprint of a structure. Benching of existing slopes exceeding 5:1 to receive fill in excess of 5 feet in depth in accordance with IBC Section J107.3
- SOILS AND FOUNDATION Deep foundations. All cast in place and driven deep foundations 1705.7 thru 1705.9. Shallow footings and foundations. All shallow footings and foundations except: (a) Light frame buildings or structures of three stories or less in height involving only continuous or spread footings that meet the requirements of IBC Section 1705.3; (b) Concrete foundation walls constructed in accordance with IBC Table 1807.1.6.2. Soils Verification(1705.6). In addition to the foundations specified above, verification of soil conditions for structures with design soil bearing values in excess of 2000 pounds per square foot or where the structure bears on fill material.
- EARTH RETAINING STRUCTURE Retaining structure for deep excavation. Any slope retention system (permanent or temporary) for excavations over 12 feet deep. Retaining walls. Any retaining wall, which is: (a) over 6 feet in height measured from grade on the low side of the wall; or, (b) supporting surcharge or impounding flammable liquids.
- DETENTION BASIN All detention basins(above ground, below ground, bio-retention, etc), except where constructed and inspected under a permit issued by the Land Development Division (LDD), City Planning & Development Department. This includes any basin that has a volumetric requirement that needs to be verified, other than underground systems that are built out of tanks/pipes. (Typically a LDD permit is required for detention basins serving, or located on, more than one parcel.)
- CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION All reinforced concrete, including prestressed concrete and post-tension slabs except for a slab-on-grade with effective prestress of less than 150 psi. IBC Section 1705.3, Chapter 19, and ACI 318-14. 5
- STEEL CONSTRUCTION All structural steel, including open web joists, bracing and stiffening members, and connections of high strength bolts or welds (structural, metal deck, shear stud, and metal stud), or any other Structural Steel connections. IBC Section 1705.2, Chapter 22, and AISC360-16 16.1 N.
- MASONRY CONSTRUCTION All masonry construction. IBC Section 1705.4, 1704.5, and TMC 402-16 /TMC 602- 16
- SPRAYED FIRE-RESISTANT MATERIAL; MASTIC AND INTUMESCENT FIRE- RESISTANT COATINGS All spray-applied fire resistant material, and other fire-resistant mastic, intumescent paint, or other similar material, for the protection of steel, wood, or other building materials IBC Section 1705.14 and 1705.15
- EXTERIOR INSULATION AND FINISH SYSTEM (EIFS) All EIFS applications except for applications over drainable systems or over masonry walls or concrete walls. IBC Section 1705.16
- FIRE-RESISTANT PENETRATIONS AND JOINTS Through-penetration firestop systems, membrane penetration firestop systems, fire- resistant joint systems, and perimeter fire barrier systems in high-rise buildings or in buildings assigned to Risk Category III or IV in accordance with section 1604.5. IBC Section 1705.17.
- SMOKE CONTROL All smoke control systems subject to the requirements of IBC Sections 909. IBC Section 1705.18
- SEISMIC RESISTANCE AND STRUCTURAL OBSERVATIONS For Seismic Design Category of ‘C’ or higher, special inspections shall be provided, in addition to those specified herein, for portions of the seismic resistance systems in accordance with the requirements of IBC Section 1704.6.2 and additional requirements of Section 1705.12.
- INSPECTION OF FABRICATORS All fabrication of structural load-bearing members and assemblies, including wood trusses, metal buildings, precast concrete, bar joists, and structural steel, shall have special inspections during fabrication except where the work is done on the premises of a certified plant which is reviewed by the building official to perform such work without special inspection. IBC Section 1705.2.
- WOOD CONSTRUCTION The fabrication process of prefabricated wood structural elements and assemblies shall be in accordance with Section 1705.5. Special inspections of site-built high-load diaphragms designed in accordance with Table 2306.2 shall be in accordance with Section 1705.5.1 Metal plate-connected wood trusses spanning 60 feet or greater shall have special inspections for temporary and permanent bracing.
- POST-INSTALLED ANCHORS Special Inspection, periodic or continuous, of post-installed anchors shall be provided as required by the ICC-ES evaluation report or other product listing, and/or as 6 specified by the Design Professional of Record. This item includes expansion, adhesive, and screw anchors.
- STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION Structural observation as required by the code section 1704.6.1. Prior to the commencement of observations, the structural observer shall submit to the building official a written statement identifying the frequency and extent of structural observations. At the conclusion of the work included in the permit, the structural observer shall submit to the building official a written statement that the site visits have been made and identify any reported deficiencies that, to the best of the structural observer’s knowledge, have not been resolved. For Risk Category IV, high rise buildings, or by the Registered Design Professional or the Building Official.
- SPECIAL CASES Special cases or construction that, in the opinion of the Building Official, involves unusual hazards or conditions. IBC Section 1705.1.1
HUD & FHA Inspections

All types of property inspections including U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Permanent Foundation Guidelines for Manufactured Homes (PFGMH) – The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) defined approval to identify whether a manufactured home is attached properly to the foundation.
Expections or Evaluations Not Listed
Because we are a small engineering firm, we are flexible and have the ability to perform inspections or evaluations too numerous to list.
Please call the office at (816) 468-1200 to discuss your needs.

Property Owners, Buyers and Sellers
The purchase of a home can be a complicated and emotional process, especially for the new homeowner. A thorough third-party home inspection is critical in helping the home buyer make the right choices. Ensuring you understand the value of any property transaction is always crucial to both the buyer and seller.
At PST Engineering, your home inspection team brings years of experience in the real estate industry and structural evaluation process to add the insight and knowledge that will bring “peace of mind” to all important commercial & residential property transactions.
Civil Engineering
Engineering services for Agricultural Ponds, Dams, Sea Walls, Recreational Ponds and Civil Engineering projects.
- Consulting and site visits regarding agriculture pond construction and recreational pond construction.
- Evaluations on current civil projects.
- Designs for the creation of agriculture ponds or recreational ponds.